A collection of toolsets for stitching together spherical stereo renders…
Turns a spherical lat/long into a regular view.
Using a 3D camera, this node gives you automatic DOF using photography principles of f-stops.
This gizmo using a 3D creates approximated realistic lens distortion.
Super cool depth based cards!
Relighting in Nuke made easy. Rimlighting…even easier!
One tool to rule all Reads!
Shift sections of your image through different sections of time!
Your one stop shop for atmospheric haze.
The brand new version of Flare Factory is finally here!
A supervisor tool for noting up a Nuke script quickly and descriptively.
A smart bomb for your Nuke color correct nodes.
Autocrops your pass based on the .exr metadata.
Mathematical expressions is that they’re freaking complicated!
A good camera shake tool is something every artist should have.
A good comp is a clean comp.